Sunday, February 19, 2012

25 weeks

•How far along?: 25 weeks

•Total weight gain: 14 lbs

•How big is baby?: The size of an eggplant!

•Maternity clothes?: Of course. ain't nothing fitting these days

•Movement: They never stop! My ribs feel bruised and I figure this is going to be a regular thing. They kick whenever a computer is near my belly.

•Stretch marks?: Yes...

•Sleep?:Sometimes I sleep well... most of the time no.

•Symptoms?: Heartburn. Back pain. Crying.

•Food cravings: nothing this week really...

•Belly button in or out?: Full on outie. and as my mom was so nice to point out, it's off center

•What I miss: Being comfortable... Laying on my stomach

•What I'm looking forward to: My MFM appointment on the 20th.

•Best Moment this week: Baby shower!- I got so many nice things and was so blessed to have so many generous people! Cute story- There was a little girl at my shower, Ruby, and when she got there she said to her mom, "I thought Nikki was having twins. Where are they?" Her mom told her they were in my stomach and Ruby said "But she only has one bump!" So cute! We all laughed so hard.

•Milestone: Baby shower!

•Nursery Progress: Ordered baby furniture.

1 comment:

  1. I think you off centered outie is sooo funny! Sometimes my belly looks lopsided. I totally miss being able to easily get up off of the couch. I realized that trying to get up from sitting while wearing high-heels makes it extremely hard!! Oh the joys of a belly :)
