Sunday, February 5, 2012

23 weeks

•How far along?: 23 weeks

•Total weight gain: 9 lbs

•How big is baby?: The size of a pomegranate!

•Maternity clothes?: Of course.

•Movement: Consistent. Baby A is easier to feel now. She's been getting into my ribs and I get tapping from Baby B all the time

•Stretch marks?: Yes... I broke out a mirror and looked under my belly and lo and behold... all sorts of marks.

•Sleep?: It's a weird schedule. Honestly I sleep better in the bed alone so I get a couple hours after Gerry leaves for school and I'm really comfortable during that time.

•Symptoms?: Heartburn, heartburn and more heartburn. ugh. Crazy back pain in between my shoulder blades. The constant peeing has started.

•Food cravings: Eggos Chocolate chip waffles with whipped cream, peaches

•Belly button in or out?: Full on outie. Trying to poke through my shirts!

•What I miss: Being comfortable... Sushi... not getting pain in my pelvis from walking too much

•What I'm looking forward to: My baby shower next month with my mom and dad coming to visit still! Also, I have an appt with the MFM on Feb 20 and I think I may be getting some 3D pics

•Best Moment this week: Watching my nephew get blessed and imagining how stinking cute the girls will be in their little white dresses.

•Milestone: Feeling Baby A consistently! and next week is V-day! (viability day)

•Nursery Progress: We got a changing table from a couple at church for free and it's sitting in there now. That's about it :)

I will try to post a picture sometime this week. I haven't taken another one yet but I'm feeling huge!

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